Center Goals Being Reached!

CDR Blog 6/13/14

At long last, we have created a separate, “Members Only” section of our website. A current listing of all the videos now available is located on the Video Library page of the website.

Making available the many video recordings of the CDR’s lectures and seminars to CDR Members has long been a goal of the Center. At long last, we have created a separate, “Members Only” section of our website. A current listing of all the videos now available is located on the Video Library page of the website.

The purpose of the video library is to further disseminate the information that has been shared here at the Center for Dermal Research, especially the information that has been presented at our regular monthly seminars. Attendance at these seminar is open to all and has been since their inception in 2011. Because of timing and travel, many people who would have liked to attend in person have been unable to do so. Now, with the creation of the on-line Video Library all CDR members will be able to access the talks from wherever they have internet access.

The offerings include a wide variety of topics including updates on the US Sunscreen regulations to the role of lipids in the stratum corneum by one of the leading international experts in skin biochemistry, Dr. Philip Wertz. I plan to continue to add videos to build this library and I have plans to expand the E-learning site in 2015. In the Spring of 2015 I am organizing a course called “Dermaceutics” which will cover all aspects of skin structure, function and disorders, development of formulations for Rx, OTC and personal care, methodologies of evaluation, targeted delivery and commercialization. I hope to have E-learning modules available for CDR members as a result of this course.

Access to the current CDR Video Library is one of the many benefits afforded to CDR members. For information about membership please visit the Member Page on our website.

One of our latest offerings is Grazia Stagni’s talk, “Skin Microdialysis: Insights and Applications to Topical and Transdermal Delivery”. CDR members can contact Louli at to obtain their password and information about the library.

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